How to use drills in each Lesson
We recommend using an earphone with a microphone. Click the MP3 file to start it before opening the Word document.
You can start by just listening to the MP3 file. Then start doing speech shadowing of any documents in this course which have an audio version. Use the same technique - reading, listening and speaking -while watching any video in this course.
Language Bridge Technology is a new, patented method. This means that all drills and recommendations will seem new to you and will require you to adjust your learning habits. The best way to achieve your goal of speaking fluent English is to follow the instructions given in each lesson.
Each course will eventually have support in the learner's native language. The course which we offer here has built-in support in Mandarin. If you have a different native language we recommend using an online translation service: copy and paste the text of the lesson or drill into the translation service tool and read it in your native language.
How the course works
Each lesson starts with listening to relaxing music and watching the cloud of words which taken from the lesson. This prepares you for active training. Then there are videos that present eleven drills. Watch each video and follow its instructions.
Here is the list of drills:
- Read the text in your native language without pronouncing the words and try to visualize the story given.

2. Repeat aloud the recorded text, using headphones and speaking at the same time as the speaker, with a delay of one or two words, and without stopping the tape. While doing this, follow the English text with your eyes and imagine that you are participating in the situation. Do not worry about getting everything exactly right. This is the main drill of the lesson: watch the video, follow the text with your eyes, listen to recording through your headset, and speak concurrently with the video.
3. Repeat step 2 many times, until you can read the passage with the speaker easily and without skipping any words. Then do a few more repetitions, with your eyes closed, without worry about your pronunciation.
4. Now, while repeating the text with the speaker, and without stopping the recording, write down as many words as you can from the passage. Repeat this drill three times and write down the new words that come to your mind each time.
5. Compare the words from Drill 4 with those of the text. Write down from the lesson all words and word combinations that you missed and pronounce them aloud a few times.
6. Compose short sentences with the word combinations from Drill 5. Repeat them aloud several times as fast as you can, until each whole sentence sounds like a single word to you.
7. Surprise drill.
In this window you may paste any text from a document or the Internet to create your own lesson and work on it using speech shadowing. You may use this drill also for preparation of your homework by typing any text.
When you enter or create the text, we move right away to the next drill. Here, a text-to-voice tool reads what you wrote or pasted in.
8. Click on the Robot button, read along, and listen to the voice. Then do speech shadowing, listening to and speaking along with the robot. Repeat until you can complete the drill without omissions or mistakes. Then click Record and speak the text – this time without listening to the robot.
When you finish recording, click Stop. Then click Play to listen to your recording. If you are not satisfied with your recording, repeat this drill until it sounds good to you. After completing recording, you may click the Share button and send the recording to friends or, in the case of blended learning, to your teacher.
9. One Person Show.
Complete the word blocks presented and act out the scenes, using your dominant senses (vision, hearing, taste). In acting out each scene, you may choose to be an actor, a singer, a dancer, a stage director, or an artist. First use the word blocks from the current lesson to work through the scenes. Then you may use word blocks from other lessons.
10.Testing active vocabulary and fluency.
Click Record, then click Execute (first button at the bottom of the screen). You will see a word selected randomly from the current lesson. Create a few sentences describing something from your experiences that is related to the displayed word. Then click Execute to display the next word. Repeat this process for more than twenty words, then click Stop to finish recording your sentences. To listen to your recording, click Play. After completing recording, you may Share and send your recording to friends or, in the case of blended learning, to your teacher.
11. Bonus Drill.
Read the poem several times. To translate unknown words into your native language, click on the word. Then do speech shadowing: click Play and follow the text with your eyes while listening to the recording and speaking with the speaker. When you can complete speech shadowing without omissions or mistakes, click Record and read the text of the poem – this time without listening to the recording. Click Stop to finish recording. Click Play to listen to your recording. If you are not satisfied, record it again. After completing the recording, you may click Share and share your recording with your friends or, in the case of blended learning, with your teacher.