Lesson 1 Drills 7 - 9

Drill 7

Surprise drill

Here you may paste any text from a document or from the Internet to create your own lesson for speech shadowing. You may use this drill for preparation of your homework by typing in text of your own.

When the text is created, we move automatically to the next drill. In it, the text-to-voice tool will read the text aloud.

You may change the size of the text by clicking the buttons at the bottom of the screen. To see the translation of any word into Mandarin, select it to highlight it, and then click Translate at the top of the screen.

Drill 8

Click the Robot button and read the text while you listen to the voice. Then do speech shadowing, listening to and speaking with the robot. When you can complete the repetition without omissions or mistakes, click Record and read the text – this time without listening to the robot.

To finish recording, click Stop. Click Play to listen to your recording. If not satisfied with your recording, repeat this process. When you have a recording you like, you may click Share to send it to friends or, in the case of blended learning, to your teacher.

(To see and hear the text-to-speech robot in action you will need to download the Language Bridge Technology Android application to your smartphone or tablet.)

Drill 9

One Person Show

Complete the word blocks below and act out the scenes, using your dominant senses (vision, hearing, taste, and so on). In acting out each scene, you may choose to be an actor, a singer, a dancer, a stage director, or an artist. First, use the word blocks from the current lesson to work through the scenes. Then you may use word blocks from other lessons.

Complete and Continue  